Thursday, June 23, 2011

10 Days to go!!!

So, yes, 10 days until my due date.  How crazy is that?!?  I can't believe that it's already been 9 months.  It wasn't until this past weekend when I was laying in bed with insomnia and killer heartburn that I finally decided I was ready for this baby to come.  I've had a great pregnancy and was content with him hanging out in my belly for a few more weeks.  Not anymore.  Any day baby is fine with me.  

We also are in the process of moving.  We've been in our new place for almost three weeks now.  Here are a few pre-move-in pictures.  I'll post lived in pictures once we get the boxes to the basement.

 The living room.

 This is the kitchen.

This is our patio and me.

Cat-Cat exploring the bathroom cupboard and drawer.  She is the most helpful unpacker in the sense that she follows me from room to room and then inspects every box to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Now for baby bump pictures for my sisters.
36 Weeks

38 and a half Weeks!

They say the baby is as long as a leek.  If I hadn't worked at a grocery store for 5 years, I don't think I would know how long a leek is.  Week 39 is equated with a watermelon and week 40 with a pumpkin.  Not the best mental images to help me through the labor and delivery process, but still fun references.  Cross your fingers that labor starts in the evening, middle of the night, or on the weekend so Cody's closer than three hours away.  

10 more days!! Then we can finally meet Baby.

Monday, May 16, 2011

And Things Keep Moving...


It's been a busy couple of weeks getting things ready to move and finalizing things at school for both of us.  As of Saturday at 9:00, Cody is officially done with school.  It's a great feeling for both of us knowing what he has accomplished.  I am so proud of him.

33 weeks down.  7 more to go.  It's been a roller coaster of time.  The first 6 months flew by and then just stopped.  Now things are starting to pick up speed again, and I don't know how I'm supposed get everything done in the limited time I have left.  I'm so excited and can't wait to meet Baby.

Here's my puppy... 
This picture about sums up what I put up with every day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Home! and 29 Weeks!

This is our new condo.  We will live in the one on the left end.  We move in June 1st.  It's one of those things that just fell in our laps.  And while Cody and I are sad to be leaving our current ward, we are looking forward to the new opportunities that this will bring.  

29 Weeks!! 11 to go!! It's crazy just how fast and slow this whole pregnancy thing is going.  I can say, "I can't believe that it's only been 29 weeks," and mean it both positively and negatively.  Baby has been moving quite a bit now.  It's fun to watch my belly move when I lay down at night.  I'm so excited for this awesome blessing that I have in my life.  My sweet boy I love you and can't wait to meet you!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello New Jeep, Goodbye Old Jeep

So we have been so blessed in the past few weeks.  It's been difficult this year turning all my decisions over to the Lord.  With Cody graduating and us having a baby there have been a lot of decisions to be made and lots of events to prepare for: Where to work, to accept a job or not, to move or not, how to raise a baby, what to name a baby.  The list goes on and on.  Through out this whole process I have felt comforted that everything would be taken care of and work out for the best if I just had faith.

That faith proved itself when Cody was offered a job here in Fort Collins.  It's not the job that we were expecting, but it's working out best for our family.  It proved itself again when I was offered the Math Department Head / Instructional Leader position at my work.  It's not a position that I would have ordinarily put myself out there to get, but it's something that I felt very strongly about.  But probably most strangely and yet most evident it proved itself in the recent purchase and selling of jeeps.  Cody had been on the search for a new "baby friendly" vehicle.  Something more reliable than his '89 Jeep Cherokee.  (Yes that means I was 4-years old when it was made.)

The Saturday of spring break Cody found a jeep and said "We have to go right now to go look at it." So we did.  It was perfect and waaaaayyyy underpriced.  Everything about it felt right so we bought it (that's it in the picture).  But those blessing didn't stop there.  We still needed to sell his Cherokee.  Last night we placed an add on Craigslist as 11:45 and at 8:00 the next morning we had an offer.  Not only that, but the interested buyer was (is?) currently investigating the church.  We were able to answer some questions and help him out with his current situation.

It's amazing to me that as hard as I work to make things happen, all it really takes is Faith and everything just falls together.

Oh... and for my sisters...

28 Weeks!
Third Trimester only 84 more days to go!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mexico, Fall, Christmas, Baby, Blue Bell

Other wise known as catch up...

So Cody and I finally went on a honey moon to Mexico four years after we were married.  We had a great time and sometimes still wish we were there.

Timing was great though since we found out in October that we are expecting our first baby.  February brought news that it was a baby boy.

Since then things have been great.  We are nearing the end of the school year for both of us.  I am looking forward to summer, and Cody is looking forward to graduating.  We are so excited.  Best of all Blue Bell Ice Cream has made it's way to Colorado.  As you can tell from the pictures, both me and the baby have been greatly enjoying it every chance we get.

 February 13, 2011

 February 20, 2011

April 3, 2011